The Course
Il corso in Governo e Politiche Pubbliche (GPP) si rivolge principalmente a chi è interessato alle sfide analitiche, normative ed empiriche connesse alle politiche pubbliche con un’attenzione particolare all’amministrazione pubblica nel sistema ordinamentale multilivello e alle istituzioni che si occupano di salute e territorio.
GPP garantisce la miglior formazione per l’inserimento professionale nell’amministrazione pubblica a livello locale, nazionale ed europeo e le competenze per occuparsi di politiche pubbliche, lobbying e rappresentanza degli interessi nel settore privato.
Il corso si propone di offrire una formazione caratterizzata da un’elevata multidiscipinarietà, garantendo insegnamenti in sei ambiti (politologia, diritto, sociologia, economia, statistica e storia), e dall’acquisizione di strumenti di analisi e di valutazione dei processi amministrativi, di governo, di formazione delle politiche pubbliche e dei loro risultati.
The Master’s degree course in Government and Public Policies (GPP) derives from the awareness that the production of policies, their implementation and government activities in public institutions are now complex phenomena which require a complex interpretation.
This complexity is increasingly characteristic of government activities and the production of policies of both public institutions (international, national and local) and private organizations of the third sector. They have to face a multitude of aspects and conditions in a scenario which is increasingly international and global and undergoing constant change and this poses infinite challenges:
- What is the origin and the evolution of political institutions?
- How are public policies formed?
- Who makes these policies?
- What institutional, political, economic and social effects do they have?
- What is the relationship between institutions and society?
- What role does the international dimension have in influencing government functions at a national and local level?
The course offers a training path which is highly multi and interdisciplinary. This characteristic is guaranteed by teachings in different areas such as: politics, sociology, law, economics, statistics and history.
The aims of the course are to give students the advanced knowledge of theoretical, analytical, interpretive, evaluative and design tools which are necessary to work in the fields of production and implementation of public policies.
To enhance the training offer, the course includes an interdisciplinary workshop to analyze, evaluate and design public policies as a means of “putting into practice” the theoretical-conceptual elements acquired in the different teachings and the different case-studies.
There is also an advanced English language course which aims to consolidate the linguistic competences acquired during the first cycle degree and enhance the knowledge of more specialized lexis.
The Master’s Degree Course in Government and Public Policies is for those students who are generally interested in this kind of training path and for people who already work in the field of Public Administration and want to add to their professional knowledge, life-long learning and career development.
L’attività del CdS a partire dall’anno accademico 2022-2023 è supportata da un Comitato di indirizzo, composto da docenti del Corso di studio e da rappresentanti delle Parti sociali e attori territoriali, con l’obiettivo di favorire l’interazione tra l’Università e il mondo del lavoro. La consultazione periodica intende supportare il monitoraggio dell’andamento del Corso di studio e della sua efficacia in termini di adeguatezza formativa e prospettive occupazionali e di carriera. Tale strumento permetterà inoltre di supportare il percorso di individuazione delle conoscenze, capacità e professionalità da raggiungere, con attenzione ai profili lavorativi e agli sbocchi professionali su cui il CdS può riorientare il suo percorso formativo rispetto a cinque anni fa.
Componenti del Comitato di indirizzo: Francesco Caracciolo; Annalisa Cicerchia; Alessandro Colombo; Elisabetta Colombo; Ivana Dello Iacono; Pierciro Galeone; Elisabetta Pozzi; Alessandro Venturi; Giancarlo Vilella; Andrea Zatti.
The Department of Political Sciences in Pavia, has for a long time been involved in providing training paths aimed at creating theoretical competences and a high professional level for employment in various levels of government and administration. The GPP degree is the heir of the first cycle and second cycle degree course, in the same fìeld of study. The experience has been extremely positive and has won national recognition.
Whoever is interested in this field of study, will find that the Department of Political and Social Sciences has an excellent library and ample availability of technological tools but above all you will find the teaching staff is involved in research projects in the various disciplines at a national and international level. Many of the lecturers are also involved in Doctorate research projects in these disciplines. In particular, Research Doctorates in “Institutions, administration and regional policies” and “ Public law”.
This degree course and its predecessors, have a close collaboration with the Giandomenico Romagnosi Foundation – School fo local governement” which also awards student study prize